#1 2023-11-09 18:01:47

Registered: 2023-11-09
Posts: 5

Just wanted to say Hi!

The Storm Worm. A virus and set of malware that has been spreading across the internet since January 2007. According to this article, it is now estimated that it has turned up to 50 Million computers into bots (or Zombie Computers), and is more powerful than a supercomputer. So, I thought, a fine time to do some number crunching, to see if we can see approximately how powerful this bot-net is. Ok, that is a really, really impressive amount of processing power. But what use is that power without being able to get data (spam emails etc.) onto the internet? 61 GigaBytes a second. You heard me right. The bot network, will have the estimated capacity to pump 61 Gigabytes of data onto the internet per second. At 20KB an email, thats 3,200,000 (Three Million Two Hundred Thousand), emails per second. Revised email calculations (see note below): at 11.73KB an email, thats 5,442,177 emails per second. Or, at 750MB per CDROM, thats 83.3 discs per second. I think the term “Houston, we have a problem” doesn’t even come close to showing the amount of pain these guys can cause. At that rate of data transfer, this cracker (“hacker” for mass-media) group will be able to take any website in the world off-line, with a Distributed Denial of Service attack. They may even be able to take the internet offline, with another Backbone attack. Now, this has been a almost-worst-case scenario, but trust me when I say, this is not good. I think, something drastic may be in order. Note: Checkout my math and assumptions by clicking the “Read More” (if you’re not already in the full post). If you see any problems, or have some More inspiring ideas-up-to-date information, feel free to register, and add a comment. Sorry about forcing you to register.

As a result, IndieWeb does not have a gatekeeping entity, since anyone can “join” the IndieWeb simply by building a website that includes IndieWeb capabilities. The result is that each IndieWeb site can be distinct, incorporating features that are desirable to individual creators and discarding others. Ultimately IndieWeb’s network of websites is supported by a heterogeneous infrastructure of software, standards, design conventions, social practices, and a large community of contributors who collaborate and chat online and at in-person events. IndieWeb does not have a formal organizational structure, and the vast majority of participants in this community do so as a hobby. Not everyone who uses IndieWeb is a “builder” in the sense of contributing code, design, or UX to IndieWeb’s infrastructure, but a significant portion are. Since this dissertation is concerned with the construction of the IndieWeb, it is not concerned with people who use IndieWeb tools but do not contribute to their development. However, among those who contribute, there is a broad range of participation.

If the email address you collected isn’t legit, email delivery is impossible, resulting in a hard bounce. Most email service providers will not tolerate a high hard bounce rate because you’re damaging their IP reputation and will suspend your account, bringing an end to your marketing campaigns. As a best practice, always set up a double opt-in authentication for new subscribers. Anyone who signs up receives an email asking them to click a link to confirm their subscription. This validation prevents misspelled addresses from being added to your email list. You can also use a solution for real-time email verification to check the email address before you accept it into your marketing funnel. This way if the user has made an accidental typo they’ll see an error message and have a chance to correct their mistake. Businesses often turn to data suppliers for new leads and new customers. It sounds like an ‘easy choice’ because you can quickly grow your list.

The more frames within the animation, the bigger the email signature size. This means your emails will potentially get caught in spam filters, a common issue with email marketing newsletters. Finally, older email clients like Outlook 2007 just don’t support animations. And many users still use these. In this case, either the first frame will appear, or the image will just ‘break’. This means the recipient has to open the email in a web browser to see the animation. Don’t use inappropriate GIFs such as cute kittens in email signatures. You will look unprofessional and immature. Only use images that are applicable to your job role and company branding. You don’t want your email signature design to look cluttered. Your template will appear chaotic if you use multiple animated GIFs in your email signature. Having your animated GIF play repeatedly will only annoy readers. It will also really distract from the actual email content.

For instance, it's a well known fact that Gmail uses data skimmed from emails to target advertising to it's users. So imagine if your selling shoes, and your email provider pops in an ad for shoes half the price right under your email? Believe me, I've seen it. If you have a website (please tell me that you do), it's easy to setup an email for your domain through your hosting provider. This is not only a good practice, but it's also the law. The CAN-SPAM Act requires senders of promotional emails to include their full address, phone number and an valid unsubscribe method. Refusing to do so will not only damage your reputation and relationship with your recipients, but it will also guarantee that your emails end up in your client's SPAM folder. The more explicit your permission to send a recipient email is, the better. Recipients who are well aware they gave you permission to send them email will be much more likely to engage with your marketing messages and much less likely to report you as spam. This is important not only because of the fact that higher engagement means a better return on your investment, but also because too many bad reports will increase your SPAM score and make it nearly impossible for you to send emails to anyone. A subtle but highly effective way to increase your reputation, educate your recipients, and protect them from falling prey to SPAM messages pretending to be you is to have a rigid email marketing policy, including it in your emails, and sticking to it. You see this tactic used most often with financial institutions.


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