#1 Milla Forums » Im happy I now signed up » 2023-11-21 07:18:52

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28. Heckert, M.; Rosan, C.D. Developing a green infrastructure equity index to promote equity planning. Urban For. Urban Green. 29. Hoover, F.A.; Meerow, S.; Grabowski, Z.J.; McPhearson, T. Environmental justice implications of siting criteria in urban green infrastructure planning. J. Environ. Policy Plan. 30. EC. Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Council and European Parliment of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks. 31. Cutter, S.L.; Mitchell, J.T.; Scott, M.S. Revealing the vulnerability of people and places: A case study of georgetown county, South Carolina. Ann. Assoc. Am. Geogr. 32. Watts, M.J.; Bohle, H.G. The space of vulnerability: The causal structure of hunger and famine. 33. Messner, F.; Meyer, V. Flood Damage, Vulnerability And Risk Perception-Challenges For Flood Damage Research. 35. Arnone, E.; Pumo, D.; Viola, F.; Noto, L.V.; La Loggia, G. Rainfall statistics changes in sicily. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 36. Autorità di Bacino del Distretto Idrografico della Sicilia.

Also, ask a question that can only be answered by additional reading the entire email. Do you mind providing me with feedback? You can read more about effective subject lines in our blog post. Email openers should mention the initial email and remind clients you already contacted them before. In case you already met with the client, make sure they understand who you are. Last time we spoke… It was nice to meet you at… I left you a voicemail but wanted to send this email as well. I wanted to follow up on an email I sent last week. Have you had the chance to look at my previous proposal? In case you missed my email last week… Your colleague suggested that I reach out to you… Once you’ve introduced yourself and made sure the client realizes you already made contact once before, try to summarize why you are emailing them.

A general rule of thumb for sales follow-up emails is to provide value so don’t send follow-ups that just reads, “I’m following up for an update.” Because their inboxes are inundated with scores of emails and long threads of communication, if your previous email doesn’t provide any context, it can get buried. This is the traditional follow-up email you send after they’ve asked for the pricing if they haven’t picked up your call. Ensure that your sign-off has your contact information. Depending on their reaction to the pricing you can send a follow-up email within 24 hours from the call which includes an update on your conversation-whether it be a revised offer or the same. This is the time you can use to discuss the importance of the deal with your manager and finalize on whether you want to give your prospects a discount or benefits or not. You are never obligated to say yes to everything prospects demand. “Say no to some requests, as not all requests are of the same value, your time is precious, use it wisely,” says Gaetan Kerhuel and François Poupon, account executives from Napta.

Target of at least 1,500 women is reduced to 500 women due to cancellation of DFAT grant and size of IDRM fund grant. Contract awards for four ICB civil works packages and three NCB packages have been awarded as scheduled. Viet Nam: The gender action plan implementation is mostly on track. However, the implementation of GAP under output 1 and output 2 is delayed due to cancellation of DFAT grant and signing of IDRM fund grant. The consultants to support CBDRM mobilized in November 2015. CBDRM community groups have been established in 18 villages. The Midterm Review Mission, scheduled in November 2016, will further review findings of number of target communes under the project. The consultants to support CBDRM mobilized in November 2015. CBDRM community groups have been established in 18 villages. The Midterm Review Mission, scheduled in November 2016, will further review findings of number of target communes under the project. All identified adverse impacts resulting from the location, design, construction, and operation of the water management infrastructure are expected to be small to moderate and can be mitigated by adoption of specific measures.

As this completes the first cycle of four seasons, there will be a little bit of a break before the next release while I get other work done. But the series will be continuing, because the response from all of you has been really positive so far and there are just too many monsters left to draw, not to mention whole character classes I haven't touched. One of the nice things about this project is that I can draw a monster or two at a time without it really impacting the rest of my work, so we'll just see how long it takes to build up enough for the next set and publish it when its ready. Probably during the wrong season. Just a quick update to say that the holiday ornament and some new t-shirt designs I alluded to in the last update are now available at CafePress. This year's piece features Durkon and Malack throwing down with magical fire.

#2 Milla Forums » Just wanted to say Hi! » 2023-11-19 11:46:03

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I scrub a list I typically choose up to say 40 characters long max, anything longer is deleted. Now understand the whole idea of email scrubbing your list is to remove as many bad known emails as possible, but it’s very possible you’ll end up removing some good ones! But if you really want to be safe then loosing 1%-2% of your good emails is worth not hitting a spam trap or losing your server. On that same note, its a known fact that AOL for example puts out upwards of 500,000 honey pots a day from abandoned email accounts so its impossible for ANYONE to remove 100% spam traps or honey pots as there are way to many daily being added and impossible for us know that. The large ISP’s do not advertise not pass around this information obviously and if someone claims they can remove 100% of all spam traps and honeypots, don’t trust them any further than you can throw them ! Last thing, typically if your scraping list or buying lists and have no idea where they are coming from, then you’ll probably see all of these examples. If you have your own opt in list or they are generally business lists, then you won’t see half of these things in your list, but it’s better to be safe than sorry and email validation is the way to go ! Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! What are Catch-all or Unknown emails ? What are Catch-all or Unknown emails ? How Spam Traps Work and Where they come from. How Spam Traps Work and Where they come from. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

Make you customers informed and loyal - they will raise your sales up and make your business successful. Bulk mailing is the best and up-to-date way to inform customers about company news, personal discounts, and bonuses or tell other important information. There are several points to answer this question. First, bulk email software is rather cost-effective, you do not need to pay monthly fee like in web-service accounts. Second, Atomic products have user-friendly interface and clear settings. And the third main point is that bulk email marketing software can help you to influence company sales through email newsletters with your product ads. In order to start using any of Atomic software you need to download its trial version from our website and then purchase a registration key to get a license. Our bulk marketing software is rather user-friendly, and even a beginner user can work with the application. It does not require special technical knowledge. As a result you can download, install and use email sender or email extractor in minutes. Email marketing much differs from spam email messages. If you expect to benefit from bulk email campaigns for your customers, you must remember about getting their consent before sending mailings. And of course be ready to email interesting and relevant information your clients really want and need to know.

14 Recommendations Chapter 4: The Impact of County Stormwater Programs on Urban Flooding 1. Counties and municipalities should have the authority to generate stormwater fees. 2. Stormwater Management Authority should be granted to all counties. 3. Develop a state model stormwater ordinance. 16 Recommendations Chapter 5: Evaluation of Design Standards for Stormwater Infrastructure. 1. Continue funding data collection for monitoring climate and flood data. 2. Communities should establish and maintain stormwater conveyance areas in new development. 3. Communities should incentivize stormwater management practices in redevelopment 4. Communities should consider basement construction ordinances to reduce flooding. 19 Recommendations Chapter 7: Strategies and Practices to Increase the Availability, Affordability and Effectiveness of Flood Insurance and Basement Back-up Insurance 1. Mandate flood insurance continuing education training for insurance agents. 2. Develop an awareness campaign for homeowners and renters. 3. Research lower income household flood insurance coverage. 4. Establish flood insurance premiums based on the flood loss history in Illinois 5. Expand the state revolving fund for implementation of stormwater management issues.

In the example presented here, regardless of differences among IndieWeb sites, those that implement Webmentions and MF2 can communicate with one another in a standard fashion. If implementations come before interoperability, then it is important to note that standards would not be imposed from the top down. I hear a lot of people who think that spec development is like someone comes up with an idea and then invents a thing and that becomes a spec. While that does actually happen, and there are plenty of examples of where that has happened both successfully and not successfully, I think that’s not actually a great example of being a good spec writer, because that’s essentially benevolent dictatorship. So the way that I approach it, which is I think something that I was introduced to in a formal way throughout the W3C Process, is that the role of the editor is--it’s not that you are inventing something and then saying hey everybody go do this.

Selling products doesn’t have to be your only goal for a St. Patrick’s Day-themed email. It can also be a great opportunity for you to flex your brand voice or build awareness. BarkShop uses St. Patrick’s Day as a chance to share entertaining content and show a light-hearted side of their brand. Their punny email copy appeals to dog owners who might’ve had a drink or two for the holiday. Can you buy something at the end of the email? No. But do you feel like there’s a genuine person (or people) behind the brand? Pro tip: It’s not always about acquisition. A well-crafted St. Patrick’s Day email can also drive retention and awareness to help build your brand. What’s the best way to make a coffee Irish? By adding Jameson, of course. In this St. Patrick’s Day email, Death Wish Coffee sends subscribers a tasty recipe for Irish coffee-a cocktail whose two main ingredients are coffee and Jameson. Death Wish Coffee might not sell the spirit themselves, but they use St. Patrick’s Day and an Irish-inspired beverage to promote their product in an innovative way.

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#3 Milla Forums » Just want to say Hi! » 2023-11-18 09:01:47

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What is email Validation or Scrubbing? There are basically 2 main steps to truly cleaning your email lists. The First is email Validation or Scrubbing (or sometimes cleaning? There are many names for it) but essentially what you do here is remove as much KNOWN crap as possible. Verification is much costlier part of your overall data hygiene process, so email validation removes as much as possible before you need to verify, which saves you time and money. I’ll get into verification in my next posting. When I say ‘Known’ crap I mean your suppression list (this is a list of known dead emails, spam traps, honey pots, complainers etc.) and you basically ‘scrub’ your list against the suppression list and remove any of the bad emails you have on your list. There are many steps in email validation (removing) your list of harmful bad emails that you DO NOT want to mail to!

The flood risk maps constructed for the return periods of 10-500 years show a substantial increase in flood risk with the return periods. The results are consistent with past flood damages, which were significant near and along the riverbanks where ground elevation is low, population density is high, and the number of household properties are high. In conclusion, this new comprehensive methodology yielded realistic results and can be used further to assess the effectiveness of various proposed flood mitigation measures. The performance of the HEC-HMS model was evaluated using the following statistical parameters, namely: R2, NSE, PBIAS, Vr, and NRMSE. The results of the model’s calibration at stations N64 and N1 were found to be satisfactory as shown in the results, and. The comparison of the computed and observed inundation depths of high-water marks in the floodplains at Phuang-Payom, Phumin-Thali, and Mueang Len villages were found to be satisfactory with percentage errors of 6.7, 6.3, and 9.1, respectively. This assures the accuracy of the model’s simulation in the floodplain.

It’s a standard format used by many businesses to specify what types of files shouldn’t be indexed and served. Web admins often use this file to prevent search engines from crawling certain parts of their site. The .htaccess file contains instructions to search engines about crawling a given directory or sub-directory. CAPTCHAs are puzzles that require users to type letters or words into boxes. While the human brain is swift at solving these puzzles, computers are not. As a result, bots typically take longer than humans to solve captchas. While there are several variations of CAPTCHAs, most involve making users click buttons in response to questions or visual stimuli. Some are very simple, like clicking an image that looks like a button when viewed through the camera lens on a smartphone or tablet. Other CAPTCHA systems may ask users to identify items hidden within images, read a list of random digits, etc. These CAPTCHAs generally work better with non-visual devices because people who need to write things down may not complete them.

Synopsis: Examines the concept of freedom of speech and banning users in chat rooms resulting in arguments and ISP disconnections. Remember your ISP is required by law to keep a record of ALL your surfing habits, including email correspondence, for a period of several months. If you are asked to stop discussing objectionable subject matter and you continue to discuss it. It is no longer chatting it is now harassing. These are users that are a pleasure to have in any chat room. These chatters makeup 99.9% of online chats. They are always polite and welcome new people to the room and make them feel comfortable and wanted. These people generally end up being regular chatters on a site and are an asset to any website operating a chat room(s). These chatters have nothing to fear as they abide by the terms of the chat room and website, and its not in their nature to be offensive.

Durand-Lasserve A, Selod H, Durand-Lasserve M (2013) A systemic analysis of land markets and land institutions in west African cities: rules and practices-the case of Bamako, Mali. Erman A, Motte E, Goyal R, Asare A, Takamatsu S, Chen X, Malgioglio S, Skinner A, Yoshida N, Hallegatte S (2020) The road to recovery: the role of poverty in the exposure, vulnerability and resilience to floods in Accra. Erman A, Tariverdi M, Obolensky M, Hallegatte S (2019) Flooded in Dar Es Salaam - the role of poverty in disaster risk. Fagen PW (2006) Remittances in conflict and crises: how remittances sustain livelihoods in war, crises and transitions to peace. Fay, M. 2005. The urban poor in Latin America. Felbermayr G, Gröschl J (2014) Naturally negative: the growth effects of natural disasters. Ferris E (2010) Natural Disasters, Conflict, and Human Rights: Tracing the Connections. Fuchs A (2014) Shocks and poverty in Haiti. Gentilini U (2015) Safety nets in urban areas: emerging issues, evidence and practices.

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#4 Milla Forums » I am the new one » 2023-11-10 01:34:11

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The particular charge depends on the regulations of a lending institution. Louisiana Payday Loans: How to Repay? There are a lot of requests on Google like “I need a loan”, but not everybody knows how to effectively repay it. There are two ways of clearing payday advance loans Louisiana. If you are going to approach a web-based lending service, while signing the agreements, the lender will initiate the bank transfer on a fixed date. Thus, the money will be withdrawn from your account on your next payday. It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to repay not only the initial amount but the additional charges. If you are going to work with a storefront company, you will need to go to the office on a day specified in the contract and make full repayment. Choose the best option that will meet all your requirements. Needless to say that payday loans in Louisiana no credit check don’t have only upsides. When applying to any financial organization, you will definitely notice the disadvantages of certain services. See if the strong points outweigh the week points before borrowing from a lender. Once you weigh all the pros and cons of this service, you can decide whether you can afford to repay the borrowing today. Bear in mind, before signing the agreement, carefully study all the terms and conditions of the particular company, paying special attention to the additional charges. Nevertheless, if you made a confident decision to approach a reliable service “near me”, good luck with timely repayment.

New article: How to Generate the Free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate on Your Own (Windows) Computer. Find out how to generate an SSL certificate for a website on your own computer. New article: How to Insert Meta Tags into a Web Page with BlueGriffon. This article answers a question from a visitor on how to insert meta tags into a website using the free BlueGriffon web editor. New article: How to Play a Song (or Some Other Audio Clip) from a List on a Website. One of my visitors wanted his users to be able to choose a song from a list, and have it play in an audio player on his web page. This article provides the JavaScript and HTML code for the task. New article: How to Restore Expression Web's Design Panel and Layout to its Initial Default State. This article deals with how you can reset the default positions and sizes of the various panels/sections in Expression Web so that the web editor appeared as it did when you first ran it.

Cgroups limit, track, and isolate the hardware resource use of a collection of processes. If you tell a cgroup that it’s only allowed to spawn 500 child processes and someone executes a fork bomb, the fork bomb will expand until it hits that limit. The kernel will prevent it from spawning further children and you’ll have to resolve the issue the same way you would with VMs: delete and re-create it, restore from a good backup, etc. You can also limit CPU use, the number of CPU cores it can access, RAM, disk use, and so on. The most well-known example of application container tech is probably Docker. The goal here is to run a single application as minimally as possible inside each container. In the case of a single, statically-linked Go binary, a minimal Docker container might contain nothing more than the binary. If it’s a Python application, you’re more likely to use an Alpine Linux image and add your Python dependencies on top of that.

Although it is known that flood risk increases with climate change, population growth and the increase of economic assets, and that risk is dynamic, constantly changing with underlying surface condition changes (Hallegatte et al., 2013; Lai et al., 2020). Therefore, managing flooding to cope with increasing flood risk is urgent. Previous research has shown the urgent need to deal with flood events (da Silva et al., 2020), and it is essential to develop future flood management strategies to reduce the adverse consequences and cope with more complex types of floods. Many countries have implemented a series of practices to manage storm water, flood disasters, etc. For example, green infrastructure (GI), low-impact development (LID) and best management practices (BMPs) have been implemented in the United States; sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) in the United Kingdom; water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) in Australia; and low-impact urban design and development programs (LIUDD) in New Zealand (Fletcher et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2017; Perhaps the most ambitious and far-reaching project has been the Delta Programme in the Netherlands, implemented between 2006 and 2015. This project aimed to create “room for rivers” as well as delivering some auxiliary benefits (Rijke et al., 2012; Van, 2016). It was developed to cope with increasingly serious flood disasters, is a more sustainable method than the Netherlands’ traditional embankment measures, and has been successful in lowering the flood risk (Asselman and Klijn, 2016). The European Union defined the concept of nature-based solutions (NBS) (ECDRI, 2015). Pagano et al.

Unknowing customers might Google search for a support line phone number and come across a website that appears to be support for Cash App users, but is actually a scam. Once you call, these scammers will encourage you to download a screen sharing app, so they can have access to your phone, under the guise of “helping you.” In reality, they are trying to steal your personal information. There have also been reports of this fake support line directly asking for the debit/credit card number on your Cash App, your Cash App PIN, or security information. In both circumstances, your bank account information and personal information would be compromised. The website where these reports originated from has reportedly been taken down, but the Better Business Bureau is encouraging consumers to be keep an eye out for anything suspicious that they may come across. A popular event on Twitter and Instagram is Super Cash App Friday, where the official Cash App account hosts a sweepstakes to win cash prizes.

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